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Funding Your Wallet

In this tutorial we learn how to fund your wallet using the brambl-cli. We assume here that the wallet is already initialized and the funds are locked by a height lock threshold(1, height(1, 9223372036854775807)).

Initialize a Wallet

To initialize a wallet, you need to run the following command:

brambl-cli wallet init -w $PASSWORD --passphrase $PASSPHRASE -n $NETWORK -o keyfile.json --newwalletdb wallet.db --mnemonicfile mnemonic.txt

This will create a new wallet with a new master key protected by a password and a passphrase. The wallet will be stored in the file specified by the --newwalletdb option. The mnemonic will be stored in the file specified by the --mnemonicfile option. The master key will be stored in the file specified by the -o option. The valid values for the -n option are mainnet, testnet, and private.

Getting Your Address

To get the current address of the wallet run the following command:

brambl-cli wallet current-address --walletdb wallet.db --from-fellowship self --from-template default --from-interaction 1

If you have several interactions already in your wallet, you can just omit the --from-interaction parameter and the CLI will use the last interaction of the template default.

We are using the fellowship self which is included in the wallet by default and the template default which is also included in the wallet by default. self is a fellowship that only contains one fellow, the owner of the wallet. default is a template that correspond to the quivr contract threshold(1, sign(0)).

The interaction 1 is the first interaction of the template default. If you have several interactions already in your wallet, you can just omit the --from-interaction parameter and the CLI will use the last interaction of the template default.

We use the address we get to create the transaction as $TO_ADDRESS.

Create the Transaction

To create a simple transaction you need to run the following command:

brambl-cli simple-transaction create --from-fellowship nofellowship --from-template genesis --from-interaction 1 -t $TO_ADDRESS -w $PASSWORD --port $PORT -o genesisTx.pbuf -n $NETWORK -a $SEND_AMOUNT -h $HOST -i keyfile.json --walletdb wallet.db --fee $FEE --transfer-token lvl

This will create a transaction that spends the interaction 1 of the template genesis of the fellowship nofellowship and sends $SEND_AMOUNT levels to the address $TO_ADDRESS. The transaction will be stored in the file genesisTx.pbuf.

Prove the Transaction

To prove a transaction run the following command:

brambl-cli tx prove -w $PASSWORD --keyfile keyfile.json -i genesisTx.pbuf -o genesisTxProved.pbuf --walletdb wallet.db

This will prove the transaction in the file genesisTx.pbuf and store the result in the file genesisTxProved.pbuf. The right indexes to derive the keys are taken from the wallet database.

Broadcast the Transaction

To broadcast a simple transaction run the following command:

brambl-cli tx broadcast -i genesisTxProved.pbuf -h $HOST --port $PORT

This will broadcast the transaction in the file genesisTxProved.pbuf to the network.

Check the Balance

You can check the balance of an address using the following command:

brambl-cli wallet balance --from-fellowship self --from-template default --walletdb wallet.db --host $HOST --port $PORT

This will show you the balance of the address self and default in the wallet wallet.db in the node $HOST:$PORT. The --from-interaction can optionally be used to choose the interaction.

The result should be:

LVL: 1000

Find more information here! Brambl-cli Documentation